Nhan Luat Steel for Dream Projects: Nhan Luat and the Chronicle of Truong Tien Bridge

Truong Tien Bridge, a resilient symbol of the Perfume River and the land of Hue, has borne witness to the harsh trials of history, from fierce battles to the siege of bombs and bullets. Despite the passage of time, the bridge still stands steadfast, proudly facing the test of time.

Truong Tien Bridge - Beauty Transformed into the Soul

 Truong Tien Bridge, an architectural and artistic masterpiece, has journeyed for over a century alongside the dreamy land of Hue. Despite the changing tides of life and a shifting world, the bridge endures as a timeless symbol. Built at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, it was the first bridge in Indochina constructed with technology and materials from the West, resulting in a robust steel structure that far surpassed the wooden bridges of its time.

 Since its construction, Truong Tien Bridge has faced three catastrophic collapses. The first collapse occurred in 1904 due to the impact of a historic storm. The second in 1946, as the strategy of the resistance movement necessitated blocking the path of the French army, leading to the use of explosives that caused the bridge to collapse by over 3 meters. The third collapse took place in 1968 when a ton of American bombs was dropped, completely destroying the third bridge pier and causing severe damage to the fourth pier.

 Restoring the Broken Bridge

 Repairing Truong Tien Bridge demanded not only addressing severe structural damage but also restoring an artistic masterpiece that had become an integral part of Hue's cultural heritage. This task required meticulous craftsmanship and unwavering dedication.

 During these restoration efforts, perhaps few are aware that Nhân Luật had the honor of standing alongside, providing steel to reinforce the bridge's strength and restore its dreamlike beauty, harmonizing with the graceful Perfume River. With commitments to quality and reliability, Nhân Luật Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company supplied top-quality steel products to ensure that Truong Tien Bridge, and other projects alike, were constructed with the utmost safety and sustainability. We continue to enhance our manufacturing technology and quality management to meet the stringent requirements of such projects.

 Today, Truong Tien Bridge has triumphed over all challenges, standing strong for over half a century and ensuring the safety of all vehicles passing over it. It has transcended being a mere steel structure; it has become a part of Hue's culture and spirit. Time has only enhanced the bridge's beauty, making it as graceful and serene as Hue itself and its people. It has become the very soul of this ancient capital, blending seamlessly with Hue's dreamlike ambiance, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of residents and visitors alike

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